Welcome to Analysis Swim

We're so happy you're here. We founded AnalysisSwim because we wanted to create a trustworthy and inspiring place for you to find everything you need to swim faster.

Swim Article

Swim article includes such aspects as swimming technique, training plans, psychological preparation, recovery, nutrition.

Designed for swimmers of all levels, videos with progression drills, workout plan swim, land exercises and step-by-step courses help you improve your swimming or research new knowledge in our video database or YouTube channel. Each style we have a separate category that will help you quickly activate your swimming style of your swim you will find answers to your questions on our website

Freestyle Backstroke Breaststroke Butterfly

Race Swim Analysis and Video Stroke Swim Analysis

Race Swim Analysis and Video Stroke Swim Analysis is our VIP-service that is suitable for every level of swimmer.

Race Swim Analysis and Video Stroke Swim Analysis are two important aspects of competitive swimming. These techniques are used to evaluate a swimmer's performance, identify areas for improvement, and refine their technique for better results in races.

Our unique database with graphs and tables on the platform has been developed to help each swimmer in maximizing their potential.

Swim stroke analysis Start & Turn analysis Swimming race analysis

Annual planning for swimming

The Annual Training Plan (ATP) is provided with a macro-season tool that allows you to follow our long-term training plan using periodization.

Periodization is a method by which one varies personal the Intensity, Load Density, and Load Volume of training throughout a year to produce peak performance for a competition.

Once you’ve used an Annual Training Plan, it’s easy to know how an athlete should perform now in order to achieve their best results further down the road.

Training Plan

Private swimming lesson in SINGAPORE

Absolutely, private swimming lessons can offer several advantages for individuals of all ages who are looking to improve their swimming skills or receive personalized instruction. Here are some reasons why private swimming lessons can be a great choice:

  • Personalized Attention:In a private lesson, the instructor can focus exclusively on the needs and goals of one individual or a small group. This means they can provide tailored feedback and instruction to address specific weaknesses or areas for improvement
  • Faster Progress: With one-on-one attention, students often progress more quickly than they would in a group class. Instructors can fine-tune techniques and provide immediate feedback, leading to faster skill development
  • Flexible Scheduling: Private lessons often offer more flexibility in terms of scheduling. You can arrange sessions at times that work best for you, making it easier to fit swimming lessons into your busy schedule.
  • Individualized Goals and Safety

Overall, private swimming lessons offer a more personalized and focused approach to learning and improving swimming skills. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced swimmer looking to enhance your abilities, private lessons can be a valuable investment in your aquatic journey.

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Benefits from Swimming:

•avoid drowning

•be healthy, lower the risk of diseases

•develop self-confidence

•improve your strength, and endurance, stroke efficiency, flexibility

•achieve propulsion force, reduce drag while swimming

•lose weight, prevent injury, lower the chance of osteoporosis and breast cancer later in life

•improve your performance or prepare you for competition

About us

Analysis Swim best swimming platform to find a personal swimming coach or a swimming club in Singapore and other country. You can send your resume or banner and enquire for placement on the website.

The Analysis Swim provides free information for athletes and their parents or coaches, which helps you to fast and correctly manage the development of athletes.

We‘ll show the variety of drills and share how to implement them during your training sessions. The analysis of swimming is necessary to identify mistakes in swimming and not to bring mistakes to the habit.

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Swim News

This publication covers all aspects of the swimming world, including news, events, race analysis, and trends in the sport. They also have a digital presence where you can find articles and updates

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Swimming courses are educational programs designed to teach people of all ages and skill levels how to swim or improve their swimming abilities. These courses are for teachers or coaches in swimming schools, community centers, recreational facilities, and sometimes even through online platforms. Our courses will help you better understand mechanics, kinematics, anatomy, physics, chemistry, race analysis, swimming strategy, etc., which will contribute to the comprehensive development of your education as a coach in terms of professionalism.


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