Gliding in streamline on back with arms up above the head

Gliding in streamline on back with arms up above the head

Idea of the drill

The main idea of the drill is “Gliding in streamline on the back with arms up above the head” is to improve buoyancy and body position while holding the streamline position on your back with arms up above the head.

1. Position your body at the edge of the pool holding the edge of the wall with your hands. Put your feet on the pool wall. The head is lowered to the level of the ears under the surface of the water and the eyes are directed to the top.

easy steps

2. Take a deep breath and hold it.

take a deep breath and hold it

3. Push off the wall, face points up while putting your arms up above the head.

push off the wall

4. Slide as far as possible while hold your body streamline position and don’t let drop any part of your body. Keep your body close to the surface of the water!

slide as far as possible while hold your body streamline position