Swimming AnalysisSwim SpeedChart

The Swimming AnalysisSwim SpeedCharts were developed to provide specific information to assist in objectifying and evaluating speed-specific swimming training sessions. The charts have been developed using real data from top levels swimmers around the world.
Getting the Swimming SpeedChart course will help you better understand how to use the SpeedChart on training or Race Analysis feedback.

To Develop Race Models:

The Swimming SpeedCharts can be used in conjunction with other Race Analysis information, in developing a race model. Keep in mind that the information in the Swimming SpeedCharts represents the average way in which a race is swum.

Allowances should be made to account for swimmer’s natural strengths and weaknesses. For example a swimmer who is naturally a stronger front-end swimmer should aim to be slightly faster than the Swimming SpeedCharts indicate for splits up to 50m. Or a swimmer who has a slower than average start will need to compensate for this in the rest of the race – so their back-end pace work will probably have to be somewhat faster than the chart suggests.

To Set Targets for Training Efforts:

Use “Swimming SpeedChart” as the target race time to set training times for a specific distance. For example, Male 100 m Freestyle PB 50 sec. 4x25m FES time -> 9.93, 9.80, 9.93, 9.83 (Diving) or 2x50m FES time 23.83 sec.

Coach and athlete can predict 100m times based on training times over shorter distances. “Swimming SpeedChart” helps simulate race times during training and can help improve muscle memory that you can use to achieve your speed goals in the competition.