Breaststroke pull imitation with coordination of the kick

Imitating the breaststroke pull and kick on land can help you practice and refine and coordinate your technique outside of the water.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for simulating the breaststroke pull and kick on land:

Breaststroke Pull Imitation:

Start Position:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms straight in front of you, parallel to the ground.

Catch Phase:

Pretend your hands are entering the water in front of you. Open your hands and spread your fingers as if catching the water.

Pull Phase:

Pull your hands in a circular motion, sweeping outward and then inward towards your chest. Keep your elbows slightly bent during the pull.

Finish Phase:

Bring your hands close to your chest, palms facing outward. Imagine pushing the water backward as you complete the pull.

Breaststroke Kick Imitation:

Start Position and kick:

Stand with your feet together and arms extended in front of you and simulate the kick after the end of the pull


Coordinate the arm pull with the leg kick in a continuous motion. As your hands come together in the finish phase, your legs should be in the starting position for the next kick.


Pay attention to the fluidity and rhythm of the breaststroke pull and kick. Engage your core muscles to simulate the stability required in the water. Visualization can enhance the effectiveness of your land-based practice. Remember that land-based imitation is not a perfect substitute for actual water practice, but it can help reinforce muscle memory and improve your technique. Regularly practicing these movements on land can contribute to better overall breaststroke performance in the water.