Butterfly alternate arm pull only while holding the poolside

This drill can be useful for focusing on arm technique, body position, and balance in the water.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform the butterfly alternate arm pull while holding the poolside:

Stand by the Poolside:

Start by standing in chest-deep water near the poolside, ensuring you have a secure grip on the edge.

Body Position:

Maintain a horizontal body position with your face in the water, and your body parallel to the pool floor. Keep your legs straight and close together.

Arm Movement:

Perform the butterfly arm movement one arm at a time. While holding onto the poolside with one hand, initiate the arm pull with the opposite arm.

Alternate Arms:

After completing the arm pull with one arm, return it to the starting position and switch to the other arm. Focus on a fluid and controlled motion, emphasizing proper technique.


While practicing this drill, you can choose to either hold your breath or take quick breaths between arm pulls. However, it’s generally a good idea to work on breath control and find a rhythm that suits you.

Core Engagement:

Engage your core muscles to maintain stability and prevent excessive body roll. This will help you stay streamlined and efficient in the water.


Continue alternating arm pulls while holding onto the poolside for a designated distance or time. Pay attention to the quality of your arm movements and try to improve your technique as you become more comfortable with the drill.

This drill allows swimmers to isolate and refine the arm movement of the butterfly stroke while providing support from the poolside. It can be particularly helpful for beginners or those looking to focus on specific aspects of their stroke technique. Remember to pay attention to your body position, arm movements, and overall coordination during the drill.