Butterfly dolphin kick while holding the edge of the pool
Idea of the drill
The main idea of the drill performing the butterfly dolphin kick while holding the edge of the pool is a great way to practice the kick’s technique and build strength.
Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Position Yourself:
Stand at the edge of the pool and hold onto the gutter or the edge with both hands.
Your body should be facing the pool wall.
Body Position:
Extend your body horizontally, floating on your stomach.
Keep your head in line with your spine and your face in the water.
Start the Kick:
Initiate the kick from your hips, not your knees. The movement should be a fluid, wave-like motion that travels down your body.
Your hips should move up and down, with a slight bend in the knees to aid the motion, but the main power should come from your core and hips.
Undulating Motion:
As you push your hips down, allow your upper body to rise slightly.
Follow through by bringing your hips up and allowing your upper body to dip slightly.
Keep your legs together and pointed, and your feet should be relaxed but pointed as they follow the wave motion created by your hips.
Maintain Rhythm:
Keep the movement continuous and smooth.
Aim for a consistent rhythm, and avoid jerky or segmented movements.
Practice holding your breath for short intervals to maintain body position and focus on technique.
Take quick breaths by lifting your head slightly when necessary, but try to keep your face in the water to maintain streamline.
Build Strength and Endurance:
Start with shorter sets and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the motion.
Focus on maintaining good technique throughout to build muscle memory.
Follow Step by Step below:
Lie on your chest with your arms straight above your head while holding the edge of the pool and start doing dolphin kicks.
1. Propulsive phase (Downkick).

2. Preparatory phase (Recovery).

3. During the return of the legs, the chest presses on the water, and eyes looking down.

4. The body makes undulating movements.

5. During the return of the legs, the chest presses on the water.

6. Holding the edge of the pool and eyes looking down.

The body makes undulating movements.

This exercise will help you develop the proper motion for the butterfly kick, strengthen your core and legs, and improve your overall swimming technique.