Butterfly drill 2+2+2
Idea of the drill
The “butterfly drill 2+2+2” is a swimming drill designed to help improve the butterfly stroke. It’s called “2+2+2” because it breaks down the stroke into three segments, allowing swimmers to focus on different aspects of the technique.
Here’s how it works:
2 Kicks:
Start with two butterfly kicks. Focus on keeping the kicks strong and consistent, ensuring that your legs are straight and your feet are pointed.
2 Pulls:
Follow the kicks with two butterfly arm pulls. Focus on the correct arm movement, making sure to pull through the water effectively and maintain a good rhythm.
2 Full Strokes:
Finally, combine the kicks and pulls into two full butterfly strokes. Concentrate on maintaining the coordination between your arms and legs, and make sure to breathe effectively.
You can use different variations: 1+1+1, 1+1+2, 1+1+3, 2+2+1, 2+2+2, 3+3+1, 3+3+2, 3+3+3.
1. First kick legs, arm make end of pull and begin lift head for breath.

2. Recovery arm and end of the breath.

3. Second kick legs and entry arm.

4. After two strokes with the right arm, we change the side and make a stroke with the left arm.

5. After two strokes with the left arm, we change and make a stroke with the both arms.

6. The number of reps or distance will depend on your workout plan.

Tips for Performing the Drill:
Stay Streamlined:
Maintain a streamlined position to reduce drag.
Focus on Timing:
Ensure your kicks and pulls are well-timed to maximize efficiency.
Breathe Rhythmically:
Practice proper breathing technique, typically breathing every other stroke.
Performing this drill regularly can help swimmers develop a more efficient and powerful butterfly stroke.