Freestyle recovery with high elbow on land
The main idea
of the drill “Freestyle recovery with a high elbow on land” is to improve the position of the high elbow during recovery using shoulder and shoulder blades. The drill helps to improve the feeling of the surface of the water so that your fingers do not touch the surface when you will swim in a swimming pool.
1. Lie down on your chest, face down.

2. One arm at the top is stretched out in front and does not cross the center line of the body, the other hand below and with fingers rested on the kick board.

3. We begin the exercise with the hand that is below.

4. Our task is to return hand with a high elbow to the beginning of the stroke.

5. Raise the shoulder up, then the elbow moves up – forward. Make sure that the elbow is pointing up throughout the entire recovery phase.

6. The fingers of the hand move the kick board in front in the direction of the return of the hand.

7. We return the hand to its original position and repeat depending on the task of the lesson.