Rolling Butterfly 6+1

Rolling Butterfly 6+1

Idea of the drill

The main idea of the drill “Rolling Butterfly 6 kicks+ 1 pull” is to improve body action of the butterfly and coordination arm action.

1. Lie on your side in 90 degree relation to surface of the water with one arm straight above your head. Begin dolphin kicks.

90 degree relation to surface of the water

2. Other hand lift above the surface of the water on 90 degree.

hand lift above the surface of the water
hand lift above the surface of the water

3. After 5th dolphin kicks begin roll body and recovery arm for entry in to the water.

5th dolphin kicks begin roll body

4. During 6th kick of your legs your arm entry in the water.

6th kick of your legs your arm entry in the water

5. Make breath while doing butterfly pull, use other arm and roll to other side.

Make breath while doing butterfly pull

Repeat 25 meters