Streamline float
Idea of the drill
The main idea of the exercise is to learn how to stretch your body into the streamline position, improve your body buoyancy and body control. Streamline floating is an essential skill in swimming, particularly for competitive swimmers. It is the position that offers the least resistance and allows for the most efficient movement through the water.
Here are the key steps to achieve a proper streamline float:
Body Position:
Head: Keep your head in a neutral position, looking straight down at the bottom of the pool. Your neck should be relaxed.
Arms: Extend your arms straight out in front of you, squeezing your biceps to your ears. Your hands should be placed on top of each other, with the thumb of the top hand wrapping around the bottom hand.
Torso: Engage your core to keep your body straight and aligned. Avoid arching your back or letting your hips drop.
Legs: Keep your legs together and extended straight behind you, with your toes pointed.
Breath Control:
Take a deep breath before you start and hold it. Your lungs filled with air will help you float.
Once you’re done in position, practice gentle exhalation to maintain buoyancy and stability.
1. Take a deep breath and hold it.

2. Move into the mushroom float position.

3. Gradually extend your arms, legs and point your toes.

4. Stretch your body into the streamline position.

5. Hold this position until you need to breath.