Repair of resistance belt
Often inventory is damaged due to improper use
Today I will tell you how to repair broken brakes.
You will need:
1. Soldering iron
2. Metal wire
3. Pliers
4. Broken resistance belt
Take the wire and pliers and cut off 5 cm and make a shape like the letter M, bend the bends

Heat the soldering iron and apply a piece of wire to the damaged area and press it with a soldering iron

Wait for the wire to warm up and begin to sink into the plastic. After drowning the wire, close the rest of the plastic so that the water does not get in and it does not oxidize.

And all your brakes are ready to use again

Attention! Check the surface for roughness. If the restoration is not correct, sharp cuts may appear that can damage the skin of the athlete when use


The resistance belt is used to create additional resistance while swimming. Using the resistance belt while training helps to develop strength endurance, increase the power of your arms and legs, and add variety to your workouts. Resistance increases with the speed of the swimmer.