Handbook SpeediSwim

Requirements for the competitive groups in SPEEDISWIM AQUATIC CENTRE.


1. Competitive Swimming training (CST) Schedule and (CST) FEES Structure.Click here
2. How to use Google Drive.Click here
3. How to make an application to the competition using Google Drive.Click here
4. How to make a apply (Online Entries or Offline Entries) on the competition.Click here

                Documents in Google drive:
a. HandbookClick here

c. Calendar competitionClick here
d. AssessmentClick here
e. MeetingClick here
f. Past CompetitionClick here
g. Personal best (PB)Click here

i. Manual book for analysisClick here
j. Tips of swimmingClick here
k. Video analysisClick here
l. T-shirt (name & size)Click here

                Staff documents in Google drive:
a. Head coach & assistant coach.Click here
b. Sports Officer.Click here
5. Equipment for athletes (swim and land training).Click here
6. Where you can leave equipment. Click here
7. Rules.Click here
8. Contact Us.Click here

1. Competitive Swimming training (CST) Schedule and (CST) FEES Structure.

You can ask the office staff to provide more detailed information.

2. Google Drive.

1. Click on link and go to Google Drive Click here

your arms straight

2. The link you can find in WhatsApp group “Speedi CS@ OCC”


3. How to make a apply on the competition use Google Drive.

How to make a apply on the competition.

Step 1: For each competition, a folder will be created that will contain files.

Going to your competition

Step 2: Before you declare, your participation read the competition regulations.

Step 3: After go to the recommendations of the coach.

The events that the coach advice you to participate are marked in green.

Step 4: Fill out the form or the form can be created by google drive doc form.

Step 5: We put the filled form in a folder.

Next folder

Step 6: Before the official submission will be a preliminary start list you can see it here.

Step 7: After the official meeting we will have start lists here.

Step 8: Here warm up time for your athlete will be listed in this folder.

Step 9: During the competition, if you want analysis, you need to make a video and put it here.

Step 10: Each athlete will be analyzed for major events.

Step 11: For posting on Facebook, you need to take photos and put them here.

4. How to make a apply (Online Entries and Offline Entries) on the competition.

Dear Parents.
If you do for some reason register online or offline registration.
Please do not miss this section!
Step 1: You are doing an online registration or offline registration. You should have a link to the official website where you can register or an official email where you sent your form.

Step 2: When you select events and register. Take a screenshot.

Step 3: Send it to the Google Drive folder with this competition.

a. Where i can see the Handbook of SpeediSwim?

Handbook you can find in Google Drive follow steps.
Step 1: Open your Google Drive and click on folder – Documents.
Step 2: Click on folder - Handbook.
Step 3: Choose last version PDF and after the click on PDF folder.


Handbook has all the necessary information for members of SpeediSwim to easily coordinate the work of Parents & Children with the work of SpeediSwim staff (Director, Coach, Manager &, etc.).

c. Where i can see the Calendar of competition SpeediSwim?

Calendar competition you can find in Google Drive following the steps.

Step 1: Open your Google Drive and click on folder – Documents.
Step 2: Click on folder - Calendar competition.


The calendar includes the schedule of competitions, training camps, and public holidays.
The Calendar schedule may change if the organization that will conduct the competition changes the date.

d. Where i can see the Assessment to next group?

Assessments list you can find in Google Drive follow the steps.
Step 1: Open your Google Drive and click on folder – Documents.
Step 2: Click on folder - Assessment.
Step 3: Choose which year interests you after the click on the folder.


The assessment in Development B, A for moving to the next level is carried out by coaches or time can be provided from official competitions. 
The assessment in groups Performance & Elite for moving to the next level can be provided from official competitions. 
With the exception of 200m IM and 400m Fs meters, you can qualify with the coach of the competitive group of your level.

Assessment rules.
Depending on fitness swimmers, they may be, added to a different group.
This assessment is to move to the next level and adding new children to groups will be, add to the appropriate groups of swimmers.

When can I go to the next level of the group?
Twice a year (May and November) athletes will move from one group to the next level of the group. During the Covid-19 period may be extended time for assessment.

The time in assessment can be changed, after testing in May or November. when changing the test or adding new tests, you will be notified by the SpeediSwim manager!
What you should have to go from one level of the group to another:
at least 70% of the lessons and 80% of the test time passed.
If athletes do not pass to the next level. at the discretion of the Head coach only!

e. Where i can see the Past Meeting?

Past Competitions you can find in Google Drive follow steps.

Step 1: Open your Google Drive and click on folder - Documents
Step 2: Click on folder - Past Meeting.
Step 3: Choose which year or month interests you after the click on the folder.
Step 4: Click on folder PDF.


Added meetings that have already passed with Parents or Athletes.

f. Where i can see the Past Competitions of SpeediSwim?

Past Competitions you can find in Google Drive follow steps.

Step 1: Open your Google Drive and click on folder - Documents
Step 2: Click on folder - Past Competition.
Step 3: Choose which year interests you after the click on the folder.
Step 4: Choose which competition interests you after the click on the folder.
Step 5: Click on folder - Results.


All past competitions with all documentation.

g. Where i can see my personal best time (PB)?

Personal best for all athletes in SpeediSwim you can check by coach link below.

Elite and Performance group
Head Coach Siarhei Ivashyn
Click here

Development A & B
Assistant Head coach
Click here

Personal best (PB) you can find on the website on the personal page. Follow the steps for the Elite and Performance group only.

Step 1: Log in to our account.
Step 2: Click on Personal Best.



The Personal Best results of the athletes that they made during competitions or training
To display the best time, enter it correctly.Click here

i. How to add video and read the analysis?

How add video for analysis?
Add your video to competitions that have analysis. The video file must contain the name of the swimmer, events, and lane.
Example: Siarhei 50Fs L1.
The video will be deleted after the coach takes the video from Google Drive.

How you can read the race analysis?
Step 1: Open your Google Drive and click on folder - Documents
Step 2: Click on folder - Manual book for analysis.
Step 3: Here PDF - Manual book for analysis - Development A, B


The video that is added must be the correct name and is in the folder with the name of correct the competition.
The added video MUST have non-prohibited content.
On video must be a swimmer who was in the swam from Start to Finish.

j. Where I can find the Tips of swimming?

The tips of swimming you can find on the website click on the style you are looking for.

1. Tips of Freestyle swim.
All Freestyle articles here.

2. Tips of Backstroke swim
All Backstroke articles

3. Tips of Breaststroke swim
All Breaststroke articles

4. Tips of Butterfly swim
All Butterfly articles

k. Where i can find the Video analysis?

You can find the Video analysis on the website following the steps:
Step 1: Log in to your account.
Step 2: Click on Swim stroke analysis.

The Video analysis will be available for the Elite and Performance groups and full members of the SpeediSwim club.
                      Video recorded from different angles for you to see the stroke.

To get back feedback on the video swim stroke analysis you can follow the steps.

Step 1: Read Tips of swimming Click here
Step 2: Watch your video of the swim stroke, diving, or turn.
Step 3: Write down Feedback on your mistake which one you can find in the swim stroke, diving or turn. Click here

Development A and B groups can take part in the Zoom session to listen and try to understand what is happening with the senior swimmers in the club.

l. Where I can find the T-shirt size ?

You can find T-Shirt size in the Google Drive following the steps:

Step 1: Open your Google Drive and click on folder - Documents
Step 2: Click on folder - T-Shirt size.
Step 3: Choose which year interests you after the click on the folder.

5. Equipment for athletes (swim and land training).

All information can find in Handbook

2. How to use Google Drive.Click here

6. Where you can leave equipment?

During covid-19 cant leave staff at pool.

7. Rules.

Pool rules
1. Protect our water - Please do not use the pool if you have had diarrhea in the past two weeks, or a disease communicable by water.
2. Shower your child and yourself. Take a cleansing shower before entering the pool and after using the toilet.
3. Swimmers who are not toilet trained must wear a swim diaper
4. Immunocompromised individuals should use caution when using a public pool.
5. Water and alcohol don’t mix. No person under the influence of alcohol may use the pool.
6. No running or rough play.
7. No glass or plastic that can shatter is allowed in the pool area.
8. No food or drink in the pool.
9. No diving is allowed except in designated diving areas.
10. No animals in the pool area.

Club rules
1. Attend training at your time and do not be late for training.
2. Not to play during training in the pool area or in other buildings related to the pool!
3. It is forbidden to eat during exercise (training), YOU CAN DRINK WATER!
4. All athletes, regardless of the level, can use the equipment belonging to the club if they only need this equipment during training.
5. If you are going on vacation or sick or for some other reason you will not be able to come to training is necessary to inform the manager or coach. Fees for missed classes are not refunded.
6. For your belongings that you leave in the pool area the club is not responsible.
7. Information provided by the club can’t be used in other clubs, schools, or any sports institutions.
8. Respect teammates & Coach & Office staff.
9. The correct language and gestures in communicating with teammates, Coach, and Office staff

8. Contact Us.

Contact Us

                          Founding Director: Philip Lee Kok Hon
                          Contact: +65 9683 5628
                          Email: khpl0209@gmail.com

                          Head Coach: Siarhei Ivashyn
                          Contact: +65 88920457
                          Email: ivashynsiarhei@gmail.com

                          Sports officer: Wani
                          Email: Speedi_sports_officer@speediswim.net